MISSION:Provide decent and affordable housing for low to moderate income families, provide decent and affordable housing for Seniors, Veterans, the displaced, and women in distress. * Contribute to the preservation, development, and re-development of neighborhoods and communities.* Furnish essential public services for families to overcome financial, social and environmental problems.* Improve community quality of life.
GOALS: Purchase and/or build properties in communities throughout the City of Houston. * Purchase/lease a facility for individuals to obtain training through our Apprenticeship Program for Electricians, Plumbers, and Cosmetologists. * Provide affordable housing for Senior Citizens and Veterans. * Generate jobs in the community. * Allocate funds to be re-invested back into the community. * Increase community involvement and awareness.
KEY TO SUCCESS: Collaborate with other organizations in the community. * Educate the community of various programs and supportive programs available for low to moderate income families. * Network with cultural organizations to identify programs/resources that currently exist in our community.